We have known Erin since she was a teenager, now she is a school teacher who teaches at risk youth. Lately she has started a program to help the parents of these kids to
earn their GED and become more involved in their kids academic life. Here is her story.


My name is Erin Fightmaster.  I am 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teacher in Santa Rosa, CA at Kid Street Charter School.  Kid Street is a unique school that aims to serve a 100% at risk community.  Our students come from families where they might be experiencing job loss, abuse, addiction, homelessness, or simply the student was not successful in a mainstream school.  Each of the children has their own story and each requires their own educational plan.  Teaching each of my students is such a gift because I have the opportunity to teach not only academics, but aide my students in emotional growth.  At Kid Street, we believe that if you teach to the heart, the mind will follow.

This school year marks my 6th year at Kid Street and with it comes some new adventures.  I am fortunate enough to head up two great programs to further the growth of our kids and their parents.  First, is FAB (Family Advisory Board), and second will be an after school tutoring program for parents looking to pursue their GED. We have noticed significant changes in our student when their parents are more involved and equally motivated about education.  My hope is that these two programs will strengthen the connections between our parents and their children.

I couldn’t imagine any other career for myself.  I love teaching; it is what keeps me alive and wanting to do more to improve education for students.