Most of us are guilty of sitting down longer than we should. Whether it’s at work, school or home, sitting for long can lead to serious health problems. You probably know the obvious repercussions like weight gain, but sitting can also tighten and weaken your hips.

If you think tight hips is not a big problem, think again. Weak or tight hip muscles cause bad posture, back pain and knee pain. So it’s important to stretch your hips frequently.

Below are 5 stretches you can do every day to keep your hips flexible and strong.

1. Spiderman stretch

This stretch will also loosen your hamstrings.
How to perform: Get in the push up position, then step forward with your right foot until it’s in line with your right hand. Keep the left foot planted in the starting position and then push the hips forward for 5 seconds. Do at least 5 reps for the right leg and then alternate legs.

2. Kneeling hip flexor stretch 

This is one of the best stretches for beginners since it doesn’t require much flexibility.

How to perform: Get in the lunge position and place the rear knee on a pad to avoid discomfort. Place your hands on the front knee. Now, tighten the stomach muscles and straighten the rear hip by pushing the hips forward. Avoid arching the low back.  Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and then switch legs.

3. Seated pigeon stretch

This stretch will improve your ability to squat deeper, jump higher and run faster. It also helps reduce lower back pain.

How to perform: Sit on the floor with knees bent and place palms on the floor behind the body. Place the ankle of the left foot on the right knee. Bring the right knee close to the chest to stretch the hips more. Hold that position for 5-10 seconds, then switch legs.

4. Deep squat to stand

This stretch requires you to be flexible enough to squat deep. It will stretch your hips and hamstrings

How to perform: Start in the deep squat position. Stick the chest out and keep the torso as upright as possible. Touch the toes of each foot. Then push the hips back and straighten the knees while still holding the toes. Rise until the legs are straight, then return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.

5. Frog stretch

The frog will do a great job stretching the hip abductors.

How to perform: Get in an all-fours position. Spread the knees as wide as possible. Slide the upper body forward and hold that position. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat several times.

Don’t force range of motion when doing these stretches. Just advance slowly and stretch further as you gain flexibility.

Source:   By: Brian Syuki