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Common Supermarket Buys You Should Avoid at All Costs

It's 2017. You've already seen the articles on GetThinWithoutWorkingDotCom and LetUsShameYouAboutYourDietDotOrg, the ones telling you how you can't eat stuff from the supermarket due to reasons. Reasons like how much BPA is in the packaging, or how many additives are...

Stretching May Be the Undervalued Key to Youth

It doesn’t matter if you’re 35, 55, 75 or 95 years old. The actual number of years you’ve spent in your body is far less important than how old you feel. And you absolutely don’t need to feel your age. As we get older, many of us focus on keeping our bodies fit...

True or False: Ayurveda translates to “the science of life”

True: Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit words "âyus" (life) and "veda" (science). Its essential concept is that individuals can maintain body and mind in harmonious equilibrium through attention to all aspects of their life, including diet, lifestyle, physical health...

This Herb Is an Incredible Woman’s Tonic and Libido Booster

Women go through a lot of changes, both monthly and in a lifetime. And with the stresses and challenges of modern life, it can be difficult to always maintain balance throughout these fluctuations. That’s where supplemental herbs can be hugely supportive. If you...

What industrialized country walks the most per day?

The average Australian takes 9, 695 steps per day (just a few short of the ideal 10,000), the average Swiss: 9,650; the average Japanese takes 7,168; and the average American walks the least of any industrialized nation. just 5,117. Source:...

5 Easy Fitness Tips to Help You Change Your Lifestyle

By nature, it can be challenging to live a healthy lifestyle today. We are all busy, and people are looking for the easiest yet most effective ways to have a much healthier and better lifestyle. If you are one of these people who are looking for the most efficient...

What is the top cause of wrinkles?

Answer: Sun exposure. Long term sun exposure and damage from the sun's ultraviolet light leads to photoaging, which causes most wrinkles and undesirable skin changes. Of course, staying out of the sun and wearing UV-protective clothing are the best ways to prevent...

7 Anti-Aging Nutrients For Looking & Feeling Younger

It’s hard to talk about the topic of anti-aging without mentioning telomeres. Each of our chromosomes has little collections of DNA at each end called telomeres, and they are unable to reproduce entirely every time a cell divides. The result is that our telomeres get...

6 Foods That Can Make You Hungrier

It doesn’t matter how much you fill up on certain foods, you never seem to feel satiated. I’ve learned over the years that whole foods fill you up and processed, junk foods can bring on the pangs of hunger as if you didn’t eat anything at all. This results from the...