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Local hero from Sonoma County fires

I was worried about him. A regular patient in our office for over 12 years, Kevin and his family live in a home in the fire zone in Sonoma County. As soon as he saw me he told me "The fire stopped 5 miles from our house after the wind died down." As he lay down on my...

What Jobs Are Considered the Most Stressful?

According to a 2009 study, the top most stressful jobs were a surgeon, commercial airline pilot, photojournalist, advertising account executive, and real estate agent. The least stressful jobs were actuary, dietitian, astronomer, systems analyst, and software...

7 Viable Steps to Reclaim Control of Your Life

Stress and burnout present themselves in different ways, including weight gain, irritability, poor sleep and anxiety. Eventually, the emotional exhaustion from feelings of having too little control and too many demands can lead to major health breakdowns. Before you...

True or False: Carbohydrates influence serotonin levels

"Carbohydrates set off a series of chemical reactions that ultimately lead to a boost in brain serotonin," says Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., the former director of the Research Program in Women's Health at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center....

This Habit Doubles Your Risk of Memory Loss

Before you hit the nearest buffet or pile on the food at dinner time, you might want to reconsider. According to research, you could be getting more than you bargained for when you overeat. That’s because scientists found that eating meals of a large portion size can...

How many types of fat are found in the human body?

In the past few years, research has revealed an array of distinctly colored fat types, each with unique molecular properties and health implications.  The four known types of fat are brown, white, subcutaneous, visceral, and belly fat. Source:...

For Women, a Little Belly Fat Is a Good Thing

For those women who have been lusting after flatter tummies for all their lives, it’s time to relax and love the healthy, strong body you have. It turns out, having ultra-flat, washboard abs may look great in a bikini, but they actually may not be the healthiest thing...

Which animal has a better sense of smell than a bloodhound?

Bears. People have 40 million smell receptors. A dog can have as many as 2 billion. But a bear's sense of smell is seven times stronger than a bloodhound's. They use their noses to find food, avoid danger, and locate mates. The killer whale is believed to have no...

4 Ways to Fight Body Odor

School may be starting soon for most students across the US, but summer doesn’t truly end until late September. And until then, most of us will still experience the smoldering heat that summer is known for. With that comes ounces of sweat dripping down our backs while...

Why does multi-tasking lead to a drop in productivity?

More than one task splits the brain. Whenever you need to pay attention, an area toward the front of the brain called the prefrontal cortex springs to action. This area, which spans the left and right sides of the brain, is part of the brain’s motivational system. It...