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The Food that May Halt Brain Disease and Cancer

The exotic names of olives—Moroccan, Kalamata, nicoise, picholine and Manzanilla—sound almost as good as these varieties of olives taste. But taste is only one of the reasons to enjoy them. Olives and olive oil have long been considered part of a heart-healthy or...

What fruit has special benefits for men’s health?

The zucchini (yes, it's considered a fruit!)  helps promote men's health. Many researchers have taken extracts from this squash to conduct certain studies and concluded that this fruit has certain properties that effectively treat an ailment in men called BPH or...

Eating More to Weigh Less

What happens if you add fruit to your regular diet, eating three apples or pears as between-meal-snacks every day? Fruit is low in calories, but it does have some. It isn’t calorie-free. So, if you add food—even healthy food—to people’s diets, won’t they gain weight?...

What mammal sleeps the least?

Giraffes sleep only 1.9 hours a day in five- to 10-minute sessions. Koalas, however, are the longest-sleeping mammals, sleeping up to 22 hours a day. Source:

8 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Tossing and turning? You’re in good company…or at least restless company. A recent Consumer Reports survey found that 27 percent of people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep most nights. Sixty-eight percent struggle with sleep at least one night a week. And...

What fruit has been shown to slow cognitive decline?

Blueberries: A 2012 study suggested that eating at least one serving of blueberries a week slowed cognitive decline by several years. One possible explanation as to why came from a 2013 study in mice, which found that berries might protect the brain by clearing toxic...

Top 15 Cleansing Detox Foods

When it comes to cleansing your body of harmful toxins, food really is the best medicine. You’ll be amazed to learn that many of your favorite foods also cleanse the body’s detoxification organs like the liver, intestines, kidneys and skin, preventing harmful toxic...

“Tech Neck”: The Fix Is in the Foundation

Freeze. Don't move a muscle. As you read these words, notice the placement of your head – are you leaning into the page or the screen? What about your shoulders – are you hunched over a magazine or electronic device? Do a quick self-assessment: How does your current...

What is the smallest skeletal muscle in our body?

The stapedius is the smallest skeletal muscle in the human body. The stapedius dampens the vibrations of the stapes by pulling on the neck of that bone. This helps to control the amplitude of sound waves from the general external environment to the inner ear. This...

How to Be Happy and Successful (in that Order)

Most of us are familiar with the causality dilemma, which came first: the chicken or the egg? It’s often used to describe situations in which it isn’t clear which event is the cause and which is the effect. In a similar vein, it’s often believed that being successful...