5 Fats That Don’t Make You Fat

Dietary fats play an important role in a healthy diet and are needed for many of our bodies processes. Discover five incredible dietary fats that are nutrient rich and great for your waist line too! 1. Nuts Nuts are very diet-friendly and are loaded with a ton of...

Breast Health 101: Movement Is Life

It’s been said that “movement is life,” and from a health perspective, there’s no better example than the dramatic impact consistent physical activity has on disease risk. In fact, regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of...

7 Foods For Heavy Metal Detoxification

Heavy metals pose a serious risk to our health. While we require some heavy metals, such as zinc and copper, in trace amounts, others, such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury are absolutely of no use to us. Presence of heavy metals in high amounts in the body can...

Maximize Your REM Sleep

One of the aspects of human life that has remained constant throughout our existence is the need for sleep. Sleep is a behavioral state that is a natural part of life. We spend about one-third of our lives asleep, but amazingly enough, people generally know very...

Top 4 Power Foods for Lifelong Health

I tell my patients to eat the colors of the rainbow every day and try to eat that at every meal. I am not opposed to the concept that there are indeed foods that pack more vitamins and minerals than other foods, but by narrowing the concept into top five or top ten...