5 Bad Office Work Habits to Break Right Now

On some level, most of us know that sitting at an office desk (or sitting in general) isn’t the healthiest way to spend your day. But if that’s your job, and it’s a busy job that you’ve got, then it’s easy to put all the potential health risks out of your mind and...

Don’t Be Fooled by Food Labels

Healthy eating is a definite trend these days, as more and more people – particularly parents – focus on providing balanced nutrition for themselves and their families. Food manufacturers understand this trend and have responded with various catch words and key...

Show Anger the Door

We all get angry sometimes, whether it’s pure rage or a combination of anger and frustration. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and depending on your demeanor, you may not be able to stay as cool as others can (or even as cool as you’ve always told...