Overworked? Your Heart Can Feel It

Heart disease is bad news, pure and simple: In the United States, the condition causes more than one in four deaths, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women. Coronary heart disease, the most common form of heart disease, occurs when plaque...

Fructose: Is It Safe?

People are quick to say that the reason we are so overweight in this country is because we eat too much and don’t exercise enough. But if that was so, how do you explain the epidemic of obese six-month old babies? Are they not spending enough time on the...

Can A Cup Of Coffee A Day Help?

Every day millions of people drink coffee for an energy jolt that will help them get through the day. Coffee has become one of the most popular beverages of choice, but can it be good for your health? Numerous studies have been presented about some adverse effects of...