In pain? Your favorite tunes could work like medicine.

Source: by Rupendra Brahambhatt We’ve all felt the soothing power of music, but did you know it might also help reduce physical pain? Science has been pretty consistent on the analgesic-like power of music to reduce the perception of pain. Now,...

Use It or Lose It: Maintaining Mobility for Lifelong Health

As the saying goes, “Use it or lose it.” Nowhere is this truer than when it comes to the health of our bodies, especially regarding mobility. Our bodies are designed for movement, and the more we embrace an active lifestyle, the better we can preserve and...

What steps can you take to help prevent osteoporosis?

Source:, written by: MaryAnn De Pietro, CRT Osteoporosis is a bone condition that occurs when bone mass and bone density decrease. It may lead to a reduction in bone strength, which increases a person’s risk of broken bones. In the United States,...