Source: by Lukas Schwekendiek

Here are 9 habits that drain your focus every day:

Saying yes to everything – Say ‘No’ more often to make room for what really matters or you will have a calendar filled with events that you really didn’t want to agree to in the first place.

Wasting time vs. Relaxing – If you want to relax then really relax. Do not waste your time on activities that do not do anything for you. Watch how the activity is making you feel and change it if you do not feel better afterwards.

Watching Quick-fire videos/episodes – Most YouTube videos and TV shows forces your brain into quickfire mode with their countless signals, bright colors and loud noises, that will ruin your long-term, low-fire concentration mode as you get used to them.

Being dehydrated – A lack of water means a lack of oxygen for your brain, which it thrives or dies upon. Keep the oxygen flow high. Drink more water.

Trying to multi-task – It is physically impossible to multi-task. Your brain cannot handle it and just switches between tasks very quickly, but by doing so it drains energy far faster than if you just stuck to one thing.

Eating heavy foods – Heavy foods take more energy from your body to digest. Afterwards they give more energy as well but you need to account for about 1–2 hours of digestion after eating a heavy meal that will make it harder to focus. Eat light, stay active, stay focused.

An unclean environment – Why do you think CEO offices are always spotless? It’s because they know they feel better in a clean environment and so will you. Remove everything unnecessary and keep your space clean.

Getting hooked to instant rewards – Everything that gives you an instant release of dopamine is bad for your long-term projects, including focus. When you switch from instant dopamine to something that takes you far longer it will be far more difficult to sustain yourself.

Not planning your day fully – Leave white space in your calendar and you will find a way to drain your focus during that time. White spaces are only an opening for yourself to resort to old, destructive habits.