Medication Gone Bad: The Story of Pradaxa

Despite daily stories about glaring misfortunes of pharmacology, most Americans in their 60s are on drugs. This is not merely a result of the laid-back 1960s; each succeeding generation is taking and depending on greater drug usage for a combination of perceived...

The 411 on Healthy Bones

Many of my patients have autoimmune diseases that predispose them to steroid medication exposure, so bone issues are always a topic that comes up over and over again in my clinic. Many of these patients have had bone mineral density studies that show osteopenia or...

Snack More, Weigh Less

Weight loss is a big issue these days, with all manner of get-thin-quick diet strategies inundating the market in the form of infomercials, Web sites and magazine ads. Most promise quick results, which everyone wants – but don’t necessarily teach how to achieve...

Summer Beach Workout

Yes, summer is here and the time is right – for exercising on the beach! All you need is a sand, surf and motivation, and you’re on your way. In fact, your average trip to the beach probably yields a better workout than you could ever get at your local gym – and...