Put the Spring Back in Your Step

Many people, particularly older individuals and those who have suffered an injury, experience difficulty going up and down stairs. In some instances, the difficulties are so significant that activities involving the use of stairs are completely avoided. This is true...

Choose the Right Probiotic

It is hard to find a store without a probiotic sitting on the shelf today. Whether it be the corner supermarket, co-op, or health food store, they all have many probiotic options, but how do you know which to choose? As a consumer it is very hard to know which is best...

7 Healthy Habits to Start In The New Year

Now that the holiday season is over, it’s the perfect time to review our resolutions. If you haven’t made any resolutions yet, below are seven suggestions to begin your year on a path of energy, health and vitality.   1. Eat Less Factory Farmed Meat...

3 Day Detox Plan (Friday – Sunday)

I woke up feeling gross. The December ritual of too many parties, too much food, and more alcohol than I am used to, was taking it’s toll. To top it off, I had a cold for the past 8 days, my only one in over a year. Time to detox! This free and easy 3 day detox...

Nature’s Best Alternative Sweeteners

Sugar has become a constant companion in most of our lives. Whether added to our tea or coffee, or found in our favorite packaged foods we find in the supermarket aisles, sugar is hard to remove from our diet all together. With obesity levels shooting up, and greater...