Exercise vs. Drugs for Depression

We’ve known for decades that even a single bout of exercise can elevate our mood, but could it be enough to be used as a treatment for major depression? We’ve known that physical activity has been associated with decreased symptoms of depression. For example, if you...

Why We Should Be Snuggling More

Touch has long been defined as a basic human need. After a tough day, nothing feels quite as good as a nice cuddle, be it with a partner, friend or four-legged pal. We all know that cuddling feels amazing, but do we know why? Our skin is our largest and arguably most...

The Healthy Bucket List

A “bucket list” is a list of things to accomplish, experience, etc., before you die. We can’t tell you what to fill that bucket list with; after all, it’s entirely personal. What we can do is provide you with suggestions for how to stay healthy...