Pulled muscles, or strains, are common in the lower back because this area supports the weight of the upper body.  Anyone can get a lower back or lumbar strain. They occur when a muscle or tendon tears, and can be very painful. A strain may make movement difficult until a person recovers.
In this article, we discuss the symptoms and causes of a pulled muscle in the lower back and explain what treatment options are available.
Treatment for pulled muscles in the lower back

Anyone who strains a muscle in the lower back should rest to avoid further damage. However, they should not stop moving altogether. Where possible, try to continue with some activity. Gentle movements that cause no pain can aid the healing process.

Ice packs, heat, and medicines can also help relieve swelling and pain. People can try:

chiropractic adjustments to increase range of motion

wrapping an ice pack, or bag of frozen peas, in a towel and applying to the back
wrapping a heat pack in a towel and applying to the area
taking aspirin or ibuprofen to reduce swelling and pain, unless otherwise instructed by a doctor

How to prevent lower back strain

To avoid putting strain on the back, a person should:

stretch before exercising
avoid slouching or hunching over
wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes
maintain a moderate weight
sit in a chair with lumbar support

The following tips may also be beneficial:

Lift objects carefully
A person can help avoid pulling the muscles in the lower back by ensuring that they take care when lifting heavy objects.

To lift objects safely, a person should:

Keep the object close to the waist: This positioning can reduce the amount of pressure on the back.
Maintain a stable position: Keeping the feet apart with one leg slightly forward can help with balance.
Avoid bending the back: A person should keep the back straight when lifting an object, instead bending at the knees to lift it.
Avoid twisting: A person should avoid twisting the back while lifting heavy objects.

Symptoms of a pulled muscle in the back

If a person twists or pulls a muscle in the lower back, they will feel a sudden pain in one particular area. This may lead to:

restricted movement
difficulty walking, bending, or standing straight
swelling and bruising
muscle cramping or spasms

What can cause a pulled lumbar muscle?

A pulled muscle, or strain, is the most common cause of lower back pain.

A strain is a tear in either a muscle itself, or in one of the tendons that attach the muscles to the spinal column. Strains happen when a person stretches the muscles or muscle fibers beyond their typical range of movement.

Another cause is a sprain, which occurs when a person overstretches or tears a ligament. Ligaments are bands of tissue that hold the vertebrae of the spine in place.

Causes may include:

lifting heavy objects
sports that require pushing and pulling, such as football or soccer

Other risk factors include:

bending the lower back excessively
a weak back or abdominal muscles
poor posture
tight hamstrings

Health conditions that can cause back pain

If the pain is on the right side of the back, it may be due to appendicitis. A person should seek emergency medical help if they suspect that this is the cause of their lower back pain.

Other symptoms of appendicitis may include:

appetite loss
low grade fever
swollen abdomen

Other causes of pain on either side of the lower back, or both sides, include:

disk herniation
kidney infection
kidney stones

In some circumstances, a person may need to go to the emergency department or call 911. It is important to seek medical help if:

a person hears a crack when they sustain the injury
the injured part of the back is numb, discolored, or cold to the touch
a fever accompanies the pain
a person has lost control over the bladder or bowels
a person is unable to stand
urinating is painful or produces bloody urine
there is severe pain in the abdomen

How is lumbar strain diagnosed?

A chiropractor will perform a physical examination to diagnose a lumbar strain. If they need to do further tests to examine the cause of the lumbar strain, the doctor may request:

an X-ray
a CT scan
an MRI scan

Additional diagnostic tools may include an electromyogram to examine the muscle and nerve function or a radionuclide bone scan to look at the blood flow to the bone, as well as cell activity.


A pulled muscle in the lower back can be painful. However, with the right treatment at home, most strains get better after a few weeks.

A person should see a chiropractor if they hear a crack when the injury occurs, or if they develop a fever or experience incontinence afterward.

Factors such as carrying extra weight and having weak muscles can make a person more likely to experience sprains or strains. It is important to lift heavy objects carefully and warm up before doing exercise.

Source:  MedicalNewsToday.com  by: Ruth Eagle