There are no disadvantages to stretching – unless, of course, you do them improperly, which is actually easy to do if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before starting any stretching program:

DON’T bounce when stretching; hold your position for the specified time.

DON’T stretch cold muscles; always do some type of warm-up for at least five minutes: jogging in place, walking on a treadmill, light jump rope, etc.

DON’T overstretch. There should be a little discomfort, especially if you’re not used to stretching, but it should not be painful.

DON’T stretch a muscle improperly. If you are not sure of the proper stretch or how to perform it, get some assistance from a professional.

If you would like to get a set of stretches that are customized to your particular needs, just call us (415)775-9100 and set a Rehab appointment.  Dr. Denny will show you how to perform each one, let you know how often to do them for maximum gain, and give you a copy to take home.

or you can have us do the work! Schedule a Super Stretch session in our office where Dr. Denny will stretch every joint in your body for 20 minutes as you lay on the table. We call it the lazy man’s yoga : )